Song Station is a premium online streaming Karaoke service that you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home or on the go. Choose from thousands of Karaoke videos, all streamed instantly on your browser, from any device, in stunning high definition audio & video. Song Station is the complete Online Karaoke Platform.
Song Station will stream HD Karaoke videos on any device. Sing at home or on the go. Song Station is a web-based karaoke streaming service which can be accessed from devices such as iPhone, iPad, Android phones and tablets, Windows phones and tablets and all computers. No matter where you are in the world you can access the Song Station karaoke platform and enjoy access to thousands of HD karaoke videos. Unlimited singing 24/7.
JOIN FREE FOR A WEEKIf you decide Song Station isn't for you - no problem. No commitment. Cancel online at any time. Monthly price after free week ends on 24/02/25 is £5.99.
JOIN FREE FOR A WEEKAll of our Karaoke videos are streamed in stunning High Definition audio and video. Song Station covers all genres of music including massive songs from every generation of music spanning back to the 1940's! Choose from Pop Music, Dance, Country, Rock, Hip Hop, R&B plus loads more. The latest chart releases added every week all in Ultra High Definition! Browse our Karaoke Demo Videos
JOIN FREE FOR A WEEKSong Station is available on a huge selection of platforms/devices
Song Station will stream high definition video & audio karaoke songs on all devices. Song Station is the complete Online Karaoke Platform. Browse our Karaoke Demos by clicking the button below.